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Blucifer, The Vodka?

Sat, Aug 31, 24

An homage to an iconic Denver statue.

This latest addition to our Colorado Wall has been a best seller for sure!  You might already know why - but let us tell you about more about this native Colorado distiller and their recent inspiration for this new lemon flavored vodka. 🍋

We often have felənē® vodka at our free tasting bar, not only is it a delicious tasting vodka, but it’s made right here in Denver!!
Kim, co-owner of Felene Vodka,
enjoying a tasting in our store.
Tim Kelly, founder and Master Distiller, is a fantastic human, super fun and knowledgeable. The first time we met him, when they launched the product, we were so excited to support them and get them on our Colorado Wall, and we’re still thrilled to continue to sell them to this day!

Since then, Kim and Martin are now on the Felene team and we’ve been fortunate to see their brand grow and develop.  When they are at our tasting bar sharing their passion for this fine product, they always include creative and fun ways to enjoy this vodka.  They do an amazing job with their creative vodka cocktails, so, if you're wondering what pairs well with any of their flavors, including their new lemon flavored vodka, Blucifer, check out Felene's drink recipes.

It's also worth mentioning that their vodka is sugarcane based which provides a delicate sweetness and a silky texture. If fact, they are the first Denver Distillery to ever make organic sugarcane vodka. They are the #OGs.  Their sugar cane is organic, non-GMO, has no additives which of course makes it gluten-free.

If you do run into this awesome duo, make sure you congratulate them on their award winning, no artificial chemicals or enzymes, just honest, natural sugarcane— and all around amazing vodka.

To quote them, "it’s criminally smooth".  ohhh, is that why its called Felene?! (Fel-on-y) You get it, right?!

So, why Blucifer?  The name of Felene's new lemon flavored vodka is a homage to the "Blue Mustang" sculpture at Denver International Airport.  This piece of art, often referred to as 'Blucifer', and has sparked both curiosity and controversy!!

The Blue Mustang was created by artist Luis Jiménez, a renowned Mexican-American sculptor known for his large-scale, colorful artworks.

It is 32 feet tall and weighs around 9,000 pounds. Unfortunately, the creation of the sculpture was marred by tragedy.

In 2006, during its construction, a section of the sculpture fell on Jiménez and fatally injured him.

Jiménez intended the sculpture to be a tribute to the Western spirit of Colorado and a representation of the untamed power of the region. One of the most unsettling features for some viewers is the piercing red eyes of the horse, which are lit up at night... it can look a bit demonic to some and perhaps that's where the 'Blucifer' nickname comes from.

Despite its controversial nature, the Blue Mustang has become a notable landmark and a curious attraction for visitors arriving at the Denver International Airport.

There you have it.  Now you know the many reasons why everyone is loving Felene Vodka.

Be sure to pick up Blucifer and other Felene flavors in our store, or order online now!

By aebrommer@gmail.com